Image Data
Dimensions | 2000px × 1331px |
Camera | NIKON D700 |
Date Taken | Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 3:34 pm |
Aperture | f/4 |
Focal Length | 19mm |
ISO | 1600 |
Shutter Speed | 0.01 sec |
Credit | Dermot Sullivan |
Copyright | Dermot Sullivan |
For those looking to create a memorable occasion, The Munster Arms Hotel is the ideal location. Depending on whether you are looking for a large scale social function or a more intimate event, we strive to meet all your personal requirements.
We have a comprehensive directory of all local services, so are always on hand for advice and assistance, ensuring you get all the additional extras that you are looking for to make your event unforgettable and unique.
We are happy to host any type of event and are often favoured for our central location and high standards for occasions such as:
Clubs and societies social functions
Dinner dances
Exhibitions and seminars
Accommodation Closed
Please note our accommodation is currently closed while we are hosting Ukranians.